Sunday, October 20, 2013

Desk Chair Make-Over

I am so proud of this project!! When my sister and I were in the fourth grade, our parents bought us bedroom furniture. The dressers are still in use but my mom wanted to throw out the desk chairs. Before I moved, I grabbed them, wanting to try to fix them up. I knew there could be more life lived with them.

They were originally off white, with a gold seat cushion.  They were pretty tired looking.

I gave them both a light sanding and a good wipe down.

I had to google how to get the cushions off.  Who knew it was so easy??  You just flip the chair over and in each corner there is a screw hole.  Take the screws out and put them in a safe place.

I measured the cushions, added four inches to the sides and picked some fabric.  That was the hardest part!  So many pretty choices but I ended up picking this. Then I brought it over to the spray paint section to decided what I wanted..

I placed the fabric down, put the cushion on top and stapled it with The Husband's gun.

So easy!!

Then I took the spray paint, I went with a glossy, brown tone and sprayed away!

Each chair took two coats which was almost 3 cans of paint.  If you look closely, you might see a couple of drips....

I am very happy with the results!  Even my mom asked if she could have them back.  They are now in my craft room to replace the folding chairs I usually use.

This project was less than $10.00.  The fabric was $2.50 and I had gotten one of the cans of paint for free.  Not bad for 2 "new" chairs.

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